
Kerala plus two results announced: 80.94 percent candidates eligible for higher studies

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: About 81 per cent of candidates appeared for the higher secondary examination 2016 was declared eligible for higher studies. The results were declared here on Tuesday.

Know your results: Kerala Board DHSE Class 12 Results 2016

Chief Secretary S M Vijayanand who declared the results since the education minister was not supposed to declare the results due to the election code of conduct in place, said the percentage of candidates declared eligible for higher studies was slightly lower compared to last year. While the percentage was 83.96 last year, the same is 80.94 this year.

Of the 361683 candidates appeared for the examination, 292753 students become eligible for higher studies. The percentage of candidates become eligible for higher studies in Vocational higher secondary section was 87.72. The higher secondary and VHSE results were declared 15 days before the date on which the results were announced last year.

Women candidates bagged the higher percent of victory in the higher secondary examinations, compared to their male counterparts. While 87.74 per cent of girl students were declared eligible for higher studies, the percentage of the same among boy studies was only 73. 38 percent. The examination board has given moderation to students in certain subjects before finalising the results. However, the general education department officials refused to divulge the volume of marks gifted to the students by the board.

According to the result document, 9870 higher secondary students got A + for all subjects and of this 6905 were girl candidates and the rest were boys. Answer papers of physics, chemistry and mathematics subjects were subjected to evaluation twice and if marks scored by students in the two evaluations were 10 per cent or above, such answer papers were subjected to a third time evaluation.

The results are available on the following websites. www.kerala.gov.in, www.dhsekerala.gov.in, www.results.nic.in, www.keralaresults.nic.in, www.results.itschool.gov.in, www.prd.kerala.gov.in and www.examresults.kerala.gov.in.

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