NEW DELHI: Taking cue from the HRD ministry's recent move of issuing rankings of Indian universities and the country's engineering, management and pharmaceutical institutes, the agriculture ministry has decided to exclusively rank 73 agricultural universities.
The National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), given the responsibility to develop evaluation methodology, has prepared a ranking framework and the ministry will soon ask the universities to participate in the process.
Technology transfer to farmers, increase in agricultural growth in the area of jurisdiction of the university, quality inputs (seed, semen and planting materials) supplied by the universities, teaching and research impact and research excellence will be among the key parameters to evaluate the agriculture universities in the country.
The minister of state for agriculture, Sanjeev Kumar Balyan, had recently held a meeting of the committee that identified indicators for measuring the quality and performance of the agricultural universities and finalised the details for inviting application from participants. The entire ranking project is being handled by Balyan in the ministry.
"Once the Union agriculture minister Radha Mohan Singh approves it, the ministry will hopefully announce the move next week", said an official.
Interestingly, the opinion of award winning and progressive farmers will also be taken into consideration while ranking the agricultural universities. Such farmers are identified and awarded every year by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research(ICAR) and the ministry.
Their views will be taken as part of the confidential survey of stakeholders' perception, having weightage of seven out of total 100 marks. Retired faculty members of the universities and their alumni, based in India or abroad, will also free to give their opinion in this survey.
Broadly, it has been decided to assign 35 marks to 'teaching outcome and facility' followed by 33 marks to 'research', 20 to 'extension' (technologies transferred to farmers - the lab to land activity), 7 to stakeholders' perception and 5 to linkages (inter-institutional collaborative projects and partnership with private sector R&D institutions and impact).
Under the 'teaching outcome and facility', marks will also be awarded to the universities having good digital connectivity.
"The final ranking will be done on the basis of the marks obtained by the participating universities. Idea is to ask all the 73 agricultural universities to participate in it", said the official.
It is expected that the process of ranking will help the agricultural universities to self-assess themselves on the quality and enhance their abilities, says the ministry's note on " Ranking of Agricultural Universities ".
It says, "Ranking of agricultural universities has been initiated with a larger objective to improve ranking of Indian universities in the world university ranking".
The human resource development (HRD) ministry had last month come out with the first ever government-backed rankings of Indian universities and engineering, management and pharmaceutical institutions.
The National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), given the responsibility to develop evaluation methodology, has prepared a ranking framework and the ministry will soon ask the universities to participate in the process.
Technology transfer to farmers, increase in agricultural growth in the area of jurisdiction of the university, quality inputs (seed, semen and planting materials) supplied by the universities, teaching and research impact and research excellence will be among the key parameters to evaluate the agriculture universities in the country.
The minister of state for agriculture, Sanjeev Kumar Balyan, had recently held a meeting of the committee that identified indicators for measuring the quality and performance of the agricultural universities and finalised the details for inviting application from participants. The entire ranking project is being handled by Balyan in the ministry.
"Once the Union agriculture minister Radha Mohan Singh approves it, the ministry will hopefully announce the move next week", said an official.
Interestingly, the opinion of award winning and progressive farmers will also be taken into consideration while ranking the agricultural universities. Such farmers are identified and awarded every year by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research(ICAR) and the ministry.
Their views will be taken as part of the confidential survey of stakeholders' perception, having weightage of seven out of total 100 marks. Retired faculty members of the universities and their alumni, based in India or abroad, will also free to give their opinion in this survey.
Broadly, it has been decided to assign 35 marks to 'teaching outcome and facility' followed by 33 marks to 'research', 20 to 'extension' (technologies transferred to farmers - the lab to land activity), 7 to stakeholders' perception and 5 to linkages (inter-institutional collaborative projects and partnership with private sector R&D institutions and impact).
Under the 'teaching outcome and facility', marks will also be awarded to the universities having good digital connectivity.
"The final ranking will be done on the basis of the marks obtained by the participating universities. Idea is to ask all the 73 agricultural universities to participate in it", said the official.
It is expected that the process of ranking will help the agricultural universities to self-assess themselves on the quality and enhance their abilities, says the ministry's note on " Ranking of Agricultural Universities ".
It says, "Ranking of agricultural universities has been initiated with a larger objective to improve ranking of Indian universities in the world university ranking".
The human resource development (HRD) ministry had last month come out with the first ever government-backed rankings of Indian universities and engineering, management and pharmaceutical institutions.
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