Cell Biology of the Neuron
Waterville Valley Resort |Waterville, USA|26 Jun-01 Jul 2016
The Cell Biology of the Neuron, organized by the Gordon Research Conferences will take place from 26th June to the 1st July 2016 at the Waterville Valley Resort in Waterville, United States Of America. The conference will cover areas like The program integrates unpublished findings and new perspectives, particularly as they relate to neuronal development, synaptic mechanisms, question of transport and polarity, and neuropathology. Subjects will range from basic mechanisms underlying brain wiring to the development of novel imaging tools to analyze neuronal regulatory events. The agenda reflects a convergence of topics that are timely, influential, and mechanistic for understanding brain development, function, and plasticity at the cellular level.

Entry Fees
Conferee (Single) | $ 1325 |
Guest (Shared) | $ 1035 |
Conferee (Shared) | $ 1215 |
Guest (Single) | $ 1145 |
Conferee (Off-Site) | $ 865 |
Guest (Off-Site) | $ 685 |
Venue -:
Waterville Valley Resort
1 Ski Area Road, PO Box 540, Waterville Valley, NH 03215
Waterville, USA
Waterville, USA
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