
India ranked 105th on WEF's Human Capital Index

India ranked 105th on WEF's Human Capital Index

India has been ranked 105th out of 130 countries on the World Economic Forum's Human Capital Index, which measures countries’ ability to nurture, develop and deploy talent for economic growth. Finland, Norway, and Switzerland hold the top three positions (respectively), utilizing around 85 per cent of their human capital. The index has been released by Geneva-based World Economic Forum (WEF)

While other countries like China (71) and Bangladesh (104) were ranked above India. However, Pakistan ranks further lower at 118th place. Countries ranked below India include Nepal, Myanmar, Haiti, Malawi and Burundi whileMauritania, Yemen, Chad, Nigeria and Mali are placed in the bottom-five with below 50 % talent optimization. India was ranked 100th last year out of total 124 countries included in the 2015 index.

So let's discuss some questions related to this post :
1. What is the rank of India on the World Economic Forum's Human Capital Index?
2. The World Economic Forum's Human Capital Index is topped by which country?

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