
Cabinet approves the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill 2016

Cabinet approves the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill 2016

The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill 2016 has been approved by the Union Cabinet under the Chairmanship of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. This Bill will help the Government to evolve a mechanism for their social, economic and educational empowerment and will also benefit a large number of transgender persons, mitigate the stigma, discrimination and abuse against this marginalized section and bring them into the mainstream of society. It will lead to greater inclusiveness and will make the transgender person's productive members of the society.

The Bill will make all the stakeholders responsive and accountable for upholding the principles underlying the Bill. It will bring greater accountability on the part of the Central Government and Slate Governments/Union Territories Administrations for issues concerning Transgender persons. Transgender community is among one of the most marginalized communities in the country because they don’t fit into the stereotypical categories of gender of ‘men’ or ‘women’. Consequently they face problems ranging from social exclusion to discrimination, lack of education facilities, unemployment, lack of medical facilities and many more.

So let's discuss some questions related to this post:
1. The Cabinet has approved which Bill related to Transgender?
2. The Union Cabinet which approves the Transgender Persons Protection of Rights Bill 2016 was headed by whom?

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