
Parliament passes Regional Centre for Biotechnology Bill, 2016

Parliament passes Regional Centre for Biotechnology Bill, 2016

On the first day of the Monsoon session, Parliament has passed the Regional Centre for Biotechnology Bill, 2016 with the Rajya Sabha approving it yesterday. The bill seeks to establish a Regional Centre for Biotechnology, an institution of education, training and research, under the auspices of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in the National Capital Region. It also confers upon it the status of an institution of national importance. Lok Sabha had passed the bill in April this year.

The Regional Centre is to disseminate knowledge by providing teaching and research facilities in biotechnology and related fields. Besides, it will help create a hub of biotechnology expertise and promote co-operation at the international level. The government through an executive order in April 2009 had established the Regional Centre for Biotechnology Training and Education at Faridabad. Now with approval from Parliament, the institute would be able give Masters and Phd degrees, just like the Indian Institute of Science (IISc).

So let's discuss some questions related to this post:
1. Parliament has passed a Biotechnology Bill, 2016 to execute what?
2. The government has set up a Regional Centre for Biotechnology Traning and Education at which place?

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