First National Conference of Investigation Agencies on 12-13th August, 2016
The Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D) in coordination with National Investigation Agency (NIA) is organizing the 1st National Conference of Investigation Agencies on 12-13th August, 2016, at Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi. The conference has originated from the mandate of the BPR&D and the recommendations of Directors General of Police (DGPs)/Inspectors General of Police (IGPs) conferences which stipulated.
The conference envisages to provide an annual national platform to all the officers of law enforcement agencies engaged in investigation tasks with the objective to discuss the latest laws and judgments and their implications for investigation and prosecution and to deliberate on new legislation/ criminal law amendments and systematic changes for meeting new challenges in investigation. The conference also envisages about adoption of latest technology in forensic sciences for expeditious and professional investigation and to share best practices followed by different investigation agencies which could be implemented by others.
So let's do:
1. First National Conference of Investigation Agencies on _______ August, 2016
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