
MSTC joins hands with Mahindra INTERTRADE

MSTC joins hands with Mahindra INTERTRADE

Mahindra Intertrade, a part of Mahindra Group has entered into a partnership with MSTC, a Government of India enterprise, to set-up country's first integrated auto recycling facility. The facility will have the first-of-its-kind Greenfield auto shredding and recycling capability to dispose of end of live vehicles. The joint venture (JV) agreement was officially signed by Sumit Issar, Managing Director, Mahindra Intertrade, and B. B. Singh, Chairman & Managing Director, MSTC under the aegis of the Minister of Steel and Mines, Chaudhary Birender Singh. 

The Mahindra Group is an Indian multinational conglomerate holding company headquartered at Mahindra Towers in Mumbai, India, with operations in over 100 countries around the globe. The group has a presence in aerospace, agribusiness, aftermarket, automotive, components, construction equipment, defence, energy, farm equipment, finance and insurance, industrial equipment, information technology, leisure and hospitality, logistics, real estate, retail, and two wheelers.

So let's do:
1. Name the company, which has entered into a partnership with MSTC?

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