Odisha government to recruit transgenders as jail warders
The Odisha government has decided to recruit members of transgender community persons as warders in jails of the State as per the directive of the Supreme Court. The home department has issued instructions to the Odisha Sub-ordinate Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) to include the gender category. This is for the first time the state government will mention the third gender as a separate category in any of the recruitment process.
As per the direction of the Directorate of Prison, members of the transgender community could apply for 185 warder's posts in jails. The physical standards stipulated for transgender who will apply for the post of jail warders will be same as prescribed for women candidates. The transgender community in the state welcomed the step and said this is the first step towards mainstreaming of the transgender.
So let's discuss some questions related to this post:
1. Name the state which is going to recruit the transgenders as Jail wardens?
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