About The Event
The concept of communication embraces a wide range of meanings circling around the idea of sharing. That sharing or exchange is now more commonly of abstract things, notably meaning. For communication to happen there are some necessary elements or conditions: social contact, a common medium, transmission and understanding. Some contact or connection is required. It may be physically close or (through technology) at a distance. If you are out of touch with people you can’t communicate with them. But you may be out of touch because you don’t communicate! Communication creates relationships; relationship produces communication.
Although we have evolved language as our principal medium for communicating with each other, we retain non-verbal communication; just as a sailing yatch might have an auxiliary motor. It is especially important as an expression of relationship. In Japan as in African tribal society, for example, how near or how far you sit from the door indicates your seniority.Both a distinct and clear transmission of some kind is required and also an equal reception of it. Both sender and receiver contribute to the process by which meanings are exchanged between them by a common system of symbols.
You will not get far in most careers-- even ones you create and manage yourself -- without being called upon or speak in public or make a presentation. Nerves are natural, and you can learn how to control them. The content of what you say is obviously important but how you say it - your presentation skills-- can be almost equally important, especially in some contexts.
The first step towards becoming a manager of communication-- one who helps others to communicate effectively with each other to some common end -- is usually when you are given the role of discussion leader or chairman. Only one in ten managers, some research indicates, is an excellent chairman of meetings. Are you in that happy minority among your peers?
Organizations have a nervous system of communication which carries information, ideas and inspiration in varying degrees of effectiveness. It is vital to establish good system of communication and train all your leader-managers-- key terminals in the system -- in communication skills.
Who should attend:
Those who aspire to progress and succeed by improving their effectiveness in their professional lives should attend this program.
Venue Details -:
Timing -:Saturday, 10th Sep 2016 | 07:00 PM to 08:00 PM
Addres -: Bhaikaka Bhavan,The Institution of Engineers (India), Ellisbridge,Law Garden Road, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
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