
Amitabh Bachchan’s “Pink" Is A Must-Watch For EVERY Indian Girl!

“Why do you mix with boys?” “Why were you out so late?” “Why are your clothes so short?” These are questions all of us Indian girls have been asked at some point or the other. And as you grow older and battle society more to live life the way you want to, on your own terms, the questions become even more difficult, more invasive, more...accusatory. “Do you drink?” “Do you smoke?” “Are you a virgin?” And it’s that last horrible and completely unacceptable question that becomes the starting point of the trailer of Pink - where a victim of sexual assault is grilled relentlessly in the courtroom about her “character”. And it’s not just her character that is in question but all her lifestyle choices, as well as those of her friends. Typical of what happens in India every day, wherein the safety, dignity and rights of women are still things that are taken lightly and denigrated all too often. It’s not justice that’s the name of the game, it’s “victim blaming”. Powerful, gripping, realistic, Pink promises to be an extraordinary drama that no Indian girl should miss.

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