
Dogri writer Padma Sachdev gets Saraswati Samman

Dogri writer Padma Sachdev gets Saraswati Samman

Poet and novelist Padma Sachdev was awarded the prestigious Saraswati Samman for the year 2015 for her autobiography 'Chitt-Chete' in Dogri language. She was felicitated by Delhi's Lt Governor Najeeb Jung in New Delhi on 29 August 2016.

The 76-year-old poet and novelist's autobiography, published in 2007, was shortlisted from 22 works written in as many languages published between 2005 and 2014. She has published her several poetry collection including Meri Kavita Mere Geet 'sthat has won the Sahitya Akademi Award in 1971.

So let's do:
1. Name the author, who was awarded the prestigious Saraswati Samman for the year 2015 for her autobiography 'Chitt-Chete' in Dogri language?

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