
Thikka review: All over the place

Letdown:Sai Dharam Tej and Larissa star in Thikka.

‘Thikka’ is messy in its attempt to be a quirky commercial package

Thikka commences with an interesting slow-motion sequence. A series of bottles fall in a sequential order to wake up a wounded and an inebriated Aditya (played by Sai Dharam Tej) who’s about to consume poison even as a woman behind him waits to stab him while cops surround the house at that very moment. There’s neat detailing and a mystery to the scene that’s followed by a flashback episode. Save this initial promise and a bunch of interesting, yet half-baked ideas, Thikka ’s gloss can’t salvage a tepid narrative. Suneel Reddy’s Thikka , like his debut film Om 3D , shines only in parts, meanders too much to arrive at its core.
The film’s pivotal point, a multi-threaded kidnap episode (where the lead protagonist plays a messenger who saves the victims), comes quite late into the narrative. Suneel Reddy shows flashes of brilliance but is undone by his desperation to convolute the plot beyond necessity. Leading to this episode, the first hour in the garb of entertainment offers you a no-holds barred booze fest and a series of sexist repartee. Aditya’s father (Rajendra Prasad), is handed glasses of wine every other moment by young women whom he refers to as ‘figures’. Major sequences in the film either take place in a bar or on the road. Harshavardhan and Lakshmi Bhupal’s dialogues celebrate double-entendre, irrespective of the character mouthing them.
Every now and then, there are imaginary sequences between lead actors, where a hero’s sidekick once utters something like, “ Rich ga oka foreign song esko ”. Otherwise too, they are just opportunities to glorify Sai Dharam Tej’s moves. An item song here goes too far , in describing the physicality of a woman.
The director struggles to complete character arcs cohesively. As a result, the climax looks like a rush job, and the narrative is loud and all over the place.
Casting- wise, Thikka has a lot of new faces. With little substance to their parts, the likes of Mannara Chopra, VJ Bani, Larissa Bonesi are only expected to be glam dolls, a task they fulfil with reasonable ease. Rajendra Prasad’s scenes are in poor taste. Mumaith Khan makes an insignificant comeback, with a shady comedy track alongside Ali.
Sai Dharam Tej’s characterisation feels repetitive. Thikka is a letdown for him after strong commercial packages like Supreme and Subramanyam For Sale .
— Srivathsan Nadadhur

Cast: Sai Dharam Tej, Larissa Bonesi, Rajendra Prasad
Direction: Suneel Reddy

Music: S.S. Thaman

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