
"I have a mature, supportive, satisfying, committed relationship, and I am so happy. "

"I have a mature, supportive, satisfying, committed relationship, and I am so happy. "

Karin G.

I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to tell you this, but … I’m married!  Needless to say, this is a dream come true for me.  I am so happy, because I feel safe and secure with a man who is devoted to me.  He is everything I was looking for – although it took you to make me realize that.  Of all the thank-you notes I have written, yours is the most important to me – because there is no way I would be a happily married woman today without you.
He is everything I need, and more – but I still couldn’t fully accept that when you and I finished off our coaching.  At that time, I still couldn’t help looking for perfection, magnifying shortcomings, and not accepting what was most important: unwavering interest in me as a person, following through on commitments, and truly wanting the same things I wanted in a relationship.  I still wasn’t appreciating Gary’s amazingly hot body, razor-sharp intellect, and unique life experiences he had created for himself.  Or that he made me breakfast in bed, put up with my neuroses, and just wanted to be with me.  All I saw was that he didn’t create a Fortune 500 company, drive a Tesla, or lunch regularly with Gavin Newsom.  Yes, I am ashamed.
I realize I am being a bit hard on myself – because I wouldn’t have been seriously dating Gary if I didn’t realize deep down that he was a man with the right stuff.  But there is no way I would have gotten to that point without you, Evan.  No chance I have found Gary and let him into my heart if it hadn’t been for you.  You were instrumental every step of the way: from that incredible online profile, to actually getting me to put it online (an entirely separate step, as you well know), to coaching me through all those first dates, to helping me realize why Gary was the kind of guy I should be with … I can’t thank you enough.
I continue to read your weekly posts, and I couldn’t agree more with everything you say (yes, pretty much everything).  For any woman who wants a real and meaningful relationship but continues coming up short, you are the man for the job to figure out where the stumbling blocks lie and implement a personalized plan to overcome them. Regardless of how women want to go about finding the relationship they want and need, you are the one to help them find it.
You sure did it for me.  I have a mature, supportive, satisfying, committed relationship (it’s even a marriage!), and I am so happy.  Thank you so much for everything!!
Karin G.

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