I can assure, you can easily crack NDA exam in just 2 attempts. However, to achieve this you have to begin preparation for NDA Exam 2017 one year ahead.
If you focus single mindedly on clearing NDA 2017 then you can easily clear in second attempt if not first.
Let us see how?
What is NDA?
For those who are in 10+2 and still don’t know what NDA is then you need to know now.
NDA or National Defense Academy is the joint services academy of Indian Armed Forces which include Army, Navy and Air Force.
Before a cadet is granted a commission he is trained in the respective academies of Army, Navy and Air Force.
After you are commissioned you become an officer like Captain, Major, flying Officer etc for respective armed forces.
So let us begin this journey.
Eligibility and Educational Qualification
First eligibility criterion is you have to be a citizen of India.
Your minimum age must be 16.5 years and maximum of 19 years as on the first day of the month the course is due to begin.
Your marital status must be unmarried when you apply.
Both he and she can apply for the NDA exams.
As far as educational qualification is concerned then you must have completed 10+2 from a recognized board, for Navy and Air Force candidates must have physics and mathematics as their subjects.
So this was eligibility criteria for NDA exam in brief.
NDA Exam 2017
NDA written exam is conducted by UPSC twice a year. However the intelligence and personality test is conducted by Services Selection Board or SSB.
Written exam is conducted in months of April and August each year through out 41 centers across the country.
Candidate can buy application forms from main post office of their city for Rs 100 or more.
Students who are able to clear written examination are allowed to appear for intelligence and personality round.
NDA Exam Syllabus and Pattern
Now let us see exam pattern and syllabus in great details so that you can make preparation according to it.
Written Test
You can divide the written test in two categories Test 1 and Test2.
Preparation for Test 1: Mathematics
Mathematics will cover Algebra, Calculus, Trigonometry, Geometry, Probability, Vector and everything that you learnt in 10+2.
In order to prepare for this test you have to work hard from the word go. You have to practice multiple type questions and solve them, develop an understanding of each concept.
There will be around 200 questions that you have to solve in just 120 minutes. You can imagine for solving one question you get 36 seconds approx.
1 Question = 36 Seconds
So you have to practice ahead of time if you have to clear the test.
Preparation for Test 2: General Ability
General Ability is divided into two categories.
1. English: English test will be for 200 marks in two hours. It will include topics like vocabulary, grammar and comprehension.
In order to Crack English paper you have to read newspaper daily, watch English movies, listen to debate etc.
2. General Knowledge: GK will be of 400 marks covering 6 different sections like General Science, Indian History, Physics, Geography, Chemistry and current events.
You can answer these questions only if you have prepared beforehand. You need to stay abreast of all the latest news in the world of politics, arts, sports and popular culture.
That would be all for written test. Next is
Intelligence and Personality Test
If you are through with written test you will have to now appear for the Intelligence and personality test.
This would be much difficult than the written test.
The only way you can get through is by developing your personality.
This round will be more practical rather theoretical. You have to show officer like quality such as responsibility, team work, leadership, quick reaction, presence of mind, confidents and other traits that are needed to be a good officer.
In order to prepare for this test you have to take part in group activities, engage your friends, you don’t have to be shy, take mock interviews and finally focus on your overall personality.
NDA Selection Process
Let me give you the whole NDA selection process in brief.
Actually there are three rounds not two for NDA selection process.
Round 1: Written Test Conducted by UPSC: We debate about this in previous paragraph. Come prepare for Mathematics and General Ability test.
Round 2: Interview Conducted by SSB: If you clear the written test then you have to appear for interview conducted by SSB. They will grill you for everything. You have to clear this interview.
Round 3: Physical Test: If you have cleared the Round 2 then the next round will be your thorough physical examination. You have to fulfill physical standards like height, weight, eye sight and other details.
If you have any deformity in your body or disease then you will be shortlisted.
Hence you have to clear these three rounds to become an officer.
6 Secret Tips to Crack NDA Exams in Same Year
How do you crack all the 3 rounds of NDA exam in two attempts if not in one?
Here are some tips.
Tip 1: Start Ahead of Time
Remember NDA is just like IIT JEE where you start preparing when you are in class X. Similarly for NDA begin preparations as early as you complete class X and as late as while you enter 10+2.
Tip 2: Practicing Mathematics is Very Important
For written exam Mathematics is very important. Solving 200 questions in just 2 hours could be a great challenge.
Tip 3: Take Part in School Co Curricular Activities
Most of the candidates fail in the interview round. Interview is not like written test. Here you will be tested for personality and you can’t develop it overnight.
So start developing your personality by taking part in school’s co curricular activities.
Tip 4: Focus on Your English
Command on English will distinguish you from the rest. So learn both speaking as well as writing skills in English.
Tip 5: Remember Don’t Shy from Taking a Coaching Class
Don’t underestimate the coaching classes. If there is an academy giving training for cracking NDA then do attend it.
Tip 6: Remember there is Negative Marking
Written exams have negative marking so attempt what you know and leave what you don’t.
Finally if you fail to get through all the rounds of NDA then don’t get disheartened because you can go for CDS exam. CDS is brother of NDA but it is for graduates.
You can start preparing for CDS now if you fail to clear NDA.
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