Every year thousands of students appear for civil service interview but less than 100 of them are selected.
You can imagine how tough competition is. You can clear written rounds however interview is the most difficult part of civil service examination.
In this article we give you some tips that you will require to clear interview round of the civil service exam.
Some of the tips are very general and some are exclusive that you will not find in other articles.
1. Make List of All Qualities to be Tested in the Interview
Few years back Kothari committee constituted a list of qualities that they expect from a candidate appearing for IAS or IPS interview.
I request to you go through the list and work on every quality that is listed there.
You need clarity of expression, grasp of narrative, ability for reasoning, appreciating different point of view and various other qualities.
You need to work on these qualities before you appear for an interview. You must start working on these qualities very early in your career.
2. A Right Kind of Behavior with the Board of Interviewee
Interview could be very tense especially if you are appearing for civil service interview.
You will be asked very tough questions that will not only test your intelligence (IQ) but also emotional quotient.
When an interviewee asks a provocative question then you have to answer very calmly with logic and facts.
You shouldn’t get into a fight with the board members sitting there. They will test your patience as well as your wit.
At the same time you have to be frank, to the point and not apologetic. A right balance must be found.
3. Grasp Both Academic Knowledge as Well as General Knowledge
If your background is MBBS or Engineering then you need to have complete grasp of your domain.
Questions that will be asked regarding your academic background are going to be very specific and deeply technical.
Study all your subjects and be prepared.
The next part is general knowledge. You have to know about diverse subject including current affairs, politics, sports, arts etc.
I recommend you to read newspaper daily if you have to develop a great general knowledge.
4. An Awareness of Socio Economic Condition of the Country
Above mentioned tips are very general and everyone knows it.
However you also need to know about certain things that will make you stand out from the rest.
You will be asked about socio economic condition of the country. You have to know everything about the society and current state of economy.
Whether it is about urban India or rural India you have to know about the country in great detail.
It’s a vast subject with a great importance therefore start preparing from now on.
5. The Knowledge of Your State and District
Second area that you need to conquer is thorough knowledge about your state and district where you live.
As you know Civil service interview is all about administration and related issues.
History for your state is very important. You will be asked questions related to it. For example questions like what challenges does your state faces or why your district is so backward.
You have to answer these questions in way that makes you look like a great administrator.
6. Indian Politics and Current Affairs
Third most important area that you will cover is Indian politics and current affairs.
This is also a very vast subject. You need to have complete grasp over policies of current and recent government.
You will be asked about which policy was better and which was not. These policies can be regarding economy, foreign affairs etc.
You need to explain how a policy was better than other by giving logic and solid arguments.
Therefore you have to prepare beforehand and read a lot of books regarding past governments and their policies.
7. Focus on Your Optional Subject
Usually candidates tend to neglect their optional subject. If they are doing so then they are making a big mistake.
Interview panel will definitely ask you a lot of questions regarding your optional subject.
Hence keep up with the recent happenings and keep yourself updated.
There is another area that students neglect and that is your hobby. Whatever hobby you mentioned there, you must prepare yourself for questions related to it.
Do not neglect both of these topics.
8. Handling Situational Questions
As I said you will be tested for your IQ as well as EQ. How well you handle a question will decide your future in the interview.
You will be asked certain questions that will test your presence of mind in a given situation.
For example the panel member could ask what will you do as an administrator if there is a terrorist attack in your district or what if there is a bomb blast or there is a certain calamity how will you respond.
9. Using a Right Kind of Language During Whole Interview
On the whole you have to develop a language for civil service interview.
You can’t say certain words like I am sorry or other technical jargon.
You also need to avoid clichés like of course, as you know, obviously, indeed etc.
You must come off as a professional while giving the interview hence you don’t want to use these words.
Your face must look cheerful with a grin. Don’t pick a fight with the board members.
Just be consistent and don’t let any contradiction arise while you talk.
10. Developing an Overall Personality
Finally I would like to conclude by saying an interview is all about your personality.
And the personality is not something that is developed in just one year or two.
You need to stay focused for years before you evolve into an administrator.
The moment you enter the room your body language should send positive vibes to the panel.
You need to converse in a way that persuades the panel.
So start working from now on.
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