
CHSE Plus II science results out

Bhubaneswar: A record 80.80% students cleared the Plus II science examination, result of which was published on Friday. The examination is conducted by Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE) which stopped naming the toppers in 2013.

CHSE Odisha +2 Science Results 2016 – Server 1

It was the best performance in terms of pass percentage in the past five years while CHSE published the result in quickest ever time by resorting to e-evaluation of answer sheets though the evaluation suffered delays due to non-government college teachers' agitation.

The pass percentage of 88.80 this year is highest compared to 80.31% in 2015, 70.13% in 2014, 72.07% in 2013 and 72.53% in 2012. Total 84,154 students took the annual higher secondary examination conducted in March. The figure is lower than 94,952 students who appeared the exam in the science stream in 2015. This year, 67,997 students passed the examination, 20,191 in first class.

Girls fared better than boys in terms of pass percentage. While 82.74% girls cleared the test, the pass percentage among boys was 79.58%.

Total 43 students - 25 boys and 18 girls - secured 90% or above. As many as 1,041 students scored 80% or more.

Nayagarh emerged as the district with highest pass percentage of 94.23 dislodging Balasore, which occupied the top slot for the past two years.

Jharsuguda continued to remain on the bottom for the second year in a row with a pass percentage of 53.87, which was worse than its 2015 results of 57.96%. Five colleges recorded nil results.

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