
Best Career Options After 10+2 for Arts Students

This is very important article for students who are from arts stream and have completed their 10+2. In this article we talk about career options for arts students after 10+2.
career after 10+2 arts

Challenges that Arts Students Face After Completing 10+2

Arts students are quite different than students who are from Science or Commerce background.
Usually Arts is not the first choice of students after matriculation. In fact it is their last choice after Science and commerce.
Unfortunately arts stream is chosen by the students who are considered as bad apples. In other words arts stream is seen as worthless career line compared to Science and Commerce stream.
Moreover job prospects for an arts graduate is limited compared to an engineering graduates.
Therefore as an art student you have to stay on course after 10+2 arts because you face certain challenges that students from Science or Commerce stream do not.

What Students Must Keep in Mind While Choosing a Career After 10+2?

As I said in previous paragraph career options for an art student is very limited compared to a science or commerce students.
You have to choose a course which has a great prospect and you are able to get a job as soon as you complete the course.
So in next paragraph we are giving you 10 best career options that you can choose from.
The most important thing you have to keep in mind is how easily you can get a job once you complete a course.

10 Best Career Options depending How Ambitious You Are

These 10 courses are divided into 3 categories.
Category 1: The first three courses can easily land you a job after the completion of the course. So first three courses are for students who are just average and want a job as soon as they complete the course.
Category 2: Next 4 courses in the list are for students who want a job with a good salary. These 4 courses will give you jobs that are better than first three.
Category 3: The last 3 courses are for students who want to do something more than getting a job. They aren’t looking for a job and they want to be entrepreneurs.

1. B.A

B.A or Bachelor’s of Arts is the first choice of students after 10+2. There are many important subjects present in a B.A program.
After the completion of B.A 3 years degree course you can either go for M.A. or apply for jobs.
You can apply for jobs in government sector such as Banks, Schools, Administrative jobs etc. Once you complete B.A. you will be called a graduate and can apply for any job that just requires you to be a graduate.

2. Teacher Training – B.Ed.

B.Ed. courses are most popular course after 10+2. Once you complete 10+2 you can always go for integrated B.Ed. or other courses like B.El.Ed. or B.P.Ed.
After the completion of these courses you can easily find a teaching job for government as well as private schools. Even if you don’t find a job in government school you can easily find a job in private schools because they are mushrooming all over India.

3. Hotel Management

Just like previous two courses, Hotel management is also a job oriented course. It can easily land you a job if you complete this course successfully.
Usually duration of the course is just 3 years and you can find a job in hospitality sector like Hotels and restaurants. You will be recruited by small or big hotels according to your skills.
So these were courses that can easily land you a job after their completion.

4. Law Course

If you want to be a lawyer then LLB course for 3 years would be the best choice for you. You can also go for 5 years integrated course where along with B.A. degree you also get LLB.
However the Law course is more ambitious then previous 3 courses mentioned in the list.

5. B.B.A, B.M.S and B.H.M

If Hotel Management course is not good then you can go for BBA or Bachelor in Business Administration. Usually it is considered that BBA is for commerce students but arts students can also go for it.
After the completion of the course you will be applying for various administrative jobs in hotels and other business organization.
BBA course is just for 3 years.

6. Journalism & Mass Communication

Media sector has grown exponentially over the last 15 years. There are more than 700 news channels in India. Many news channels are still mushrooming.
Each of these news channels need reporters and journalists. So there is a demand for candidates who are graduates in mass communication.
You can go for a degree or a diploma course in mass communication. There are many good colleges across India for journalism and mass communication.

7. Graphic Designing and Animation

If you like animation then you can go for course in graphic design. You can get a degree after completion for 3 to 4 years long course.
There are a dozen of colleges which give you courses for graphic design and animation.
You can easily find a job in motion pictures after completing the course. Do remember the courses have nothing to do about programming or coding.

8. B.F.A

Bachelor of Fine Arts is also a 3 year long professional course just like B.A. If you are a creative student and want to do something more rather just going for a job then B.F.A is good for you.
You learn dancing, painting, photography etc. Here you can be self employed rather looking for a company.

9. Fashion Designing

As I said earlier last three courses are for students who simply don’t care about getting a job. So they can go for a fashion designing course.
The course is for 4 years long and there are only few colleges for fashion designing. After completing the course you will be designing clothes and selling them.

10. Event Management

The last course in the list is event management. This course is 3 years long and it is also a job oriented course however the jobs are very few compared to other courses.
So the last 3 courses are for more ambitious arts students who have just completed their 10+2.
Although there are many other courses after 10+2 for arts students but these 10 are the best options.

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