
Numbers and Your Profession

When a person is engaged in a career that they love and that makes the best use of their talents, their whole life is significantly more filled with passion, purpose and joy. Each number from one through nine has certain characteristics with strengths and weaknesses, adding an interesting aspect to career choice assessment and job satisfaction. Take a look...
If you are born on 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th

Number 1 people have excellent leadership qualities and have a positive attitude towards whatever they do. They are optimistic people and always lead ahead. They make excellent leaders and businessmen. If you are born on the above dates you should definitely give preference to business over job. World’s best businessmen are born on the above dates. If you are in a job you will perform better in managerial positions as you will find it difficult to take orders from your bosses.
Your Positive Qualities: Born Leader, Optimistic, Ability to take risk
Your Negative Qualities: Stubborn, Inflexible, Egoistic
Famous People born on these dates: Dhirubhai Ambani, Ratan Tata, Mukesh Ambani, Bill Gates

If you are born on 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th 

Number 2 people are creative and make excellent diplomats. They are extremely moody because of which they do not excel in business, with exception of people born on 11th. They are the best in any kind of art, entertainment or creativity. Some of the best actors in the world are Number 2. Also they can get into any kind of designing work like Fashion Designing, Painting etc.
Your Positive Qualities: Creative, Entertaining, Diplomat
Your Negative Qualities: Pessimistic, Extreme mood swings, Difficulty in decision making
Famous People born on these dates: Shahrukh Khan, Amitabh Bachchan, Leornado Di Caprio

If you are born on 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th 

Number 3 people are best in the business of money. Number 3 is ruled by Jupiter, which is the planet of wealth. They do the best in finance industry and are able to excel in this field. People into job should get into finance department and those into business should get into retail or similar business where there is a lot of cash turnover.
Your Positive Qualities: Lucky in terms of money, Positive Attitude
Your Negative Qualities: Self obsession, Critical
Famous People born on these dates: Warren Buffett, Eddie Murphy, Kareena Kapoor

If you are born on 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st 

Number 4 people are unconventional.  Every Number 4 is different in his or her own way and possesses some talent or other. They are high risk takers and excellent fighters. Their life will be the best in a job or some field of art. In business they don’t take calculated risks because of which they suffer. They should strictly avoid gambling or any speculative business.
Your Positive Qualities: Unconventional, fighter
Your Negative Qualities: Serious gambling tendencies, Unlucky
Famous People born on these dates: Kishore Kumar, Rishi Kapoor

If you are born on 5th, 14th, 23rd 

Number 5 people are impulsive, fast with their decisions and extremely calculative. They make excellent stock market traders because of their ability of making quick decisions and calculations. On the flip side, they get bored of their job easily so they need a continuous kick in their work to keep them entertained. Their communication skills are excellent so they should work in the sales department of their company, where customer interaction is more. They are good at convincing people.
Your Positive Qualities: Excellent communication skills, Good decision making ability
Your Negative Qualities: Impulsive, Gets bored easily
Famous People born on these dates: Mark Zuckerberg, Aamir Khan, Virat Kohli

If you are born on 6th, 15th or 24th 

Number 6 people have a magnetic personality and X factor. They become famous in their professions and love the limelight. They should get into hotel or restaurant business, luxury products or any kind of business which could bring them recognition. 
Your Positive Qualities: Entertaining, Lucky, Magnetic 
Your Negative Qualities: Lazy, Womanizer
Famous People born on these dates: Sachin Tendulkar, Anil Kapoor, Azim Premji, L N Mittal

If you are born on 7th, 16th or 25th 

Number 7 people have excellent analytical skills and they do very well in the field of research. They are always lost in their world which gives them excellent creativity. They come across as very humble and unorganized people; however, that is not the case. They are lucky in overseas business so they should try and live away from their home country.
Your Positive Qualities: Great scholars, Creative, Ability to think out of the box
Your Negative Qualities: Depressive tendencies, Lack of execution
Famous People born on these dates: Saif Ali Khan, Mahendra Singh Dhoni

If you are born on 8th, 17th, 26th 

Most of the Number 8 people are not lucky till the age of 35. They are simple, straight forward people and very hard working. They do excellent in the business of heavy metals, real estate etc. When working in a company they are good at accounts and excel in the HR department. A few of them make excellent fashion designers as well if they have a 7 along with the 8. 
Your Positive Qualities: Hard working, Reliable
Your Negative Qualities: Unlucky till 35, Delays and obstacles in getting results
Famous People born on these dates: Narendra Modi, Manmohan Singh

If you are born on 9th, 18th, 27th 

Number 9 people have a lot of energy and they make excellent sportsmen. Some of the best sportsmen are born on these dates. When in business, chemicals, night clubs, real estate business will suit them. Any army should have more of Number 9 people as they are courageous and born fighters. Ruling planet for Number 9 is Mars. They possess qualities like Mars, which is fiery outside and arctic inside.
Your Positive Qualities: Full of energy, Born fighters, hard working
Your Negative Qualities: Uneven tempered, Quarrelsome
Famous People born on these dates: Michael Phelps, Mahela Jayawardene, Tom Cruise
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